26 Easy Halloween Decorations Ideas to Spook Your Guests

26 Easy Halloween Decorations Ideas to Spook Your Guests

The festival of Halloween is incomplete without haunted houses, pumpkin patches, scary costumes, and savory recipes. Since the entire neighborhood will visit your entryway, there are endless Halloween decoration ideas for tricking your home as well as the yard. So, get ready for your most awaited eerie holiday by decorating your entryway, lawn, front door, and porch.

To begin with, seasonal garlands and doormats can get party guests in the Halloween spirit, however, if you are planning to create a true haunted house, there are some cheap outdoor Halloween decoration ideas such as scary bats, witches, zombies, ghouls, and specialty skeletons like animals, pirates and also mermaids. Come what may, you will need a few jack-o’-lantern to welcome trick-or-treaters.

There are plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween but turning your house into a delightfully creepy destination for Halloween doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. In this blog, we will help you with easy Halloween indoor and outdoor decoration ideas to create the best haunt on the block.

Here Are Some Scary Yet Easy Halloween Decorating Ideas That Are Inexpensive:

1) Scary Coffin Coolers

In this Halloween season, amongst a variety of Halloween decorating ideas, one of the simplest and scariest ideas is to use using some nails and wood to create a coffin. You can convert this coffin into a cooler to hold drinks. To add to this petrifying look you can create a gravedigger scene in your courtyard. This coffin will even strike more terror to your neighbors if you hide someone inside it. This hidden one must rise over and over again to spook the old trick.

2) Ghost-Lit Pathway

Another idea is to create ghost-lit pathways using milk jugs so that your trick or treaters will love them. You can look for various online tutorials to know how you can create and design scary ghost faces on the milk jugs. Make scary ghost faces on the milk jugs that are decipherable and lights to brighten those ghosts. After that, you can line the ghosts along the path of your home.

3) Floating Hands

By using old plastic gloves available in your house you can make many hands and then put them all everywhere around your house. If you have clear plastic gloves it would be better to make a garland from them. So that when visitors come, you can make use of this fake hand to shake with them and then release the hand to scare the hell out of them. Also, you can create a bloodstained hand by filling the glove with papers from the old scrapbook. Not just that, the hands can also be filled with candies to make Halloween-themed treat bags.

4) Make the Front Porch Look Ghostly

Whether the Halloween guests – like trick-or-treaters enter your home or not — they will, without doubt, take a look at your front porch so give it a horrifying as well as look. You can use lanterns, colorful rugs, mums and piles of pumpkins. For a spooktastic final touch, we would suggest you add a pair of gnarled faux trees that are draped in mini orange lights that will bewitch long after the hush of night.

5) Broom Halloween Door Decorations

Pay homage to everyone’s beloved Halloween character with this amusing idea. All you need are a few old-fashioned brooms and a spine-chilling idea to make it look witchy. Make it look like you have hosted a party for a gaggle of witches and they have parked their brooms on your door. This idea isn’t tough to execute as you can get several tutorials on DIY witch brooms for Halloween made from twigs and branches.

6) Create Jack-O’- Lanterns Quickly

This could be one of the remarkable pumpkin decorating ideas you can convert orange tissue-paper balls into proper Halloween pumpkins that can be arranged at your front porch. Just cut facial features and stems from craft paper and apply the balls using glue dots.

7) Halloween Mantel Decorations

Give your customary Halloween decoration a break by embellishing your mantel with an eye-catchy mix of blazingly colored pumpkins, fun accessories as well as fresh blooms. You can spray paint pumpkins in golden, fluorescent green and pink. Then for a few cut the top off a fresh, new balloon and cover it around the bottom of the gourd.

8) Add Some Spooky Spiders

This is one of the scary yet easy Halloween decoration ideas, however, it is easy to craft these monstrous spiders with the kids for a fun Halloween. Craft deadly-looking spiders for your home — indoors as well as outdoors. These creepy spiders and supporting props can be made using cheap craft store materials and a little creativity. You can come across some online tutorials that explain how to make your scary spiders with step-by-step instructions.

9) Make Some Weird Spellbooks

You will not find this Halloween idea tiresome because all you have to do is turn brand new books into old leather-bound books by wrapping them in a removable leather jacket that you might have discarded or preserved for spare use. If you pile up these books as part of a scene just next to wine bottles it will give an extra touch of eeriness.

10) Convert Pumpkins into Black Cats

The Halloween guests – trick-or-treaters should be welcomed with a scary family of black cat pumpkins. These no-carve kitties are simple to craft and making them is a fun project for elders as well as children although with a little help from an artistic adult.

11) Creepy Mirror

If you want to make your guests scream out loud then choose to write an enigmatic creepy message on a mirror. You can crop newspapers into different forms of letters as per your choice, place a mirror, and spray matte finish spray. Besides, cleaning up the mirror later is a snap.

12) Staring Monster Eyes Lights

Trust me, it’s a terrifying idea and simple as ABC to create. All you have to do is weave monster-like eye lights that seem peeping from amid the branches of the tree. Just an unexpected glimpse of it would scare the pants off. Well, you can also make use of two beach balls to make scary eyes.

13) Simple Eerie Drawing Room

These Halloween decorating ideas are damn easy yet it’s fear-provoking. For this, you need to take out a page of Miss Havisham’s book and use sheet-draped chairs to give your living room the look of devastation. Then, string a coffee filter “cobweb” across a mirror and put wavy willow branches in candlesticks with museum wax.

14) Phantom Presence

You can give supernatural appearances with a reflection of a ghost. Draw a figure on the back of a sheet of ice-covered window film. Crop the silhouette, as well as its wide-open mouth and eyes using an X-Acto knife. Now just apply the film to a mirror and make it even with hands.

15) Bloodstained Candles

To execute this easy Halloween decorations idea is a child’s play, all you have to do is gather your old remaining red candles to reuse it for another scary appearance. Just drizzle the drippy wax over some pure white candles to give it a blood-stained candle effect. To add more to the Halloween spirit, you can do this just an hour before your guests arrive and make your dinner table glowing eerily.

16) Ghost Lollipop Bouquet

This is one of the fantastic homemade easy Halloween decoration ideas to make create an easy but creepy centerpiece for your dinner table. This eerie lollipop bouquet can be made by you for your kids or even you can make your kids create them. Drape each one of the lollipops with white cotton over lollipop candies, then tie each one of them with a string, and paint on black eyes to make it look like a horrific edible centerpiece.

17) Spider Ice Cubes and Black Sugar-rimmed Glasses

Everyone is scared of creepy crawlers, and so they are the best prop to chill your favorite Halloween drinks. Arrange for an ice cube tray and plastic spiders. Then Line the rim of your glass with honey and coat it with black sugar for a sweet as well as ghostly touch. You can find such ideas from some tutorials online that educate on DIY Halloween ideas.

18) Deadly Looking Handwash

Do you want to make handwashing a scary thing? Then add Halloween items such as fake small pumpkin miniatures, spiders, eyeballs, bats, and more in the hand wash soap. Then stir it with skewers and leave it for the fun to happen.

19) Tissue Paper Pumpkin Party Gifts

These cool bundles are easy to create using orange tissue paper aa well as green-colored tape. You need to cut the tissue paper into circle shapes, place your favorite variety of candy in the center, and gather the corners of tissue until you have twisted together a perfect pumpkin. Now cover green tape around the pinched end of the pumpkin head.

20) Light Up Fixture Halloween Moon

This October during Halloween you can bring some ghostly effects into your home by redecorating your glass globe into grotesque Halloween item. For this, you just need some sponge, putty-colored paint and glass globe light fixture. Now generously color the interior of the light fixture. Then you can use tracing paper to draw a witch on a broom or zombie figure on thick black paper and stick it on the globe light. That’s it!

21) Fearful Silly Suit

If you have an old black suit0 lying back in your closet, it could help make a scary Halloween decoration for outdoor. Hang the black suit with a string tied from the roof, you can tie a bloodstained neckerchief and fix a Jack-o’-Lantern on the suit to give that eerie-looking feel to the guests.

22) Retro Countryside Porch Decoration

It is not necessary to treat your yard like some horror movie set just because it’s Halloween. You can stay in the Halloween spirit by keeping things beautiful with Southwestern-inspired Halloween decorating ideas too. This will give your home a pretty look in fall. You can fill a distressed crate with pumpkins – here you can also use old fashioned coolers. Adding a bouquet of fresh flowers to a plaid vintage thermos and painting pumpkins with Southwestern-inspired designs will give a not scary Halloween decor.

23) Batty Front Entrance

One of the cheapest outdoor Halloween decoration ideas is to add fake bats to a wreath made of natural twigs. Undoubtedly, this will give your trick-or-treaters a friendly fear. Another thing that you can do is add a swarm of felt bats on your door as it will give an extra spooky look to the guests.

24) Decorated Tree Branches

Are you wondering where to place your jack-o’-lanterns, LED candle lanterns, and a flock of faux black crows? Then bare-limbed trees will provide you the perfect ghostly perch. Ensure that the tree limbs are sturdy enough to carry the weight of these items which you hang and also take care not to over-beautify. This is because overdoing anything will decrease the overall effect. Choose pumpkins made from foam pumpkins as they are light in weight and even won’t rot.

25) Fearsome Candlesticks

Do not dispose of your old wine bottles because they can make a striking, unnerving table decoration. Just spray paint the bottles in your favorite colors and once they dry up, place a candlestick in every wine bottle. To add to the Halloween festivity, choose to use black candles. Now, lit the candles and let the wax drip down the bottle sides. Remember, the scruffier, the better!

26) Ghostly Specimen Jars

If you are looking for homemade easy Halloween decorations ideas, then nothing can beat eerie specimen jars. Give your table room a look of a scientist’s lab by using waste glass jars that are found in your house or by getting them from a nearby store. Make an amazing Halloween décor piece by putting fake small spiders, small bats, red color and anything you can imagine to make the glass jars look creepy. You can come up with many ideas online on how you can craft eyeballs, fingers, and human body parts to put in the glass jars. To increase the creepiness of the table room just turn off your overhead lights or replace them with colored dim lights.

Take Away

These are just some of the Halloween decoration ideas to decorate your home from top to bottom without spending many dollars. Nevertheless, the Halloween decoration items you buy online or from physical stores are reusable. You can always use them later to frighten some of your friends as well as family.

However, remember when you are buying your Halloween decorations, check in advance whether the products can resist outdoor conditions or whether they can last longer under a concealed porch. You can choose to buy battery-operated LED lights to illuminate the entire scene if you are short on outdoor plugs. In short, plan on ordering your Halloween decoration items well before October, if possible because the stock might go out soon. You can find a lot of easy and scary ideas on decorating your home for Halloween in this blog to make this year spookier.

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Home Shaastra

All about decorating and designing your home from inside and outside to make your life more delightful.

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