6 Must-Have Indoor Plants for Every House

6 Must-Have Indoor Plants for Every House

Indoor house plants have become trendier and an essential item for the interior design. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces as it is known to have mood-enhancing qualities. Growing indoor plants not only reduces stress but it also purifies indoor air by absorbing toxins. This, in turn, will make you feel happy, increase humidity, and ensure the environment has enough oxygen.

Some of the popular house plants are air-purifying plants, edible plants, pollution-killer plants, medicinal plants, and more. Indoor plants are eye-pleasing and add beauty to your ambiance however you need to take care of indoor plants to ensure that they survive longer. The basic tips are to place the plants in a place that isn’t too hot, windy, or cold. And some places to keep indoor plants in your home – kitchen, drawing room, entrance, and bathroom.

Trending indoor plants you must consider to grow

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake Plant is aka Sansevieria trifasciata or Mother-In-Law’s tongue is one of the most preferred species of house plants. If you are looking for a low maintenance house plant, then the Snake Plant is the perfect choice for you. Don’t let the name fool; it’s one of the plant species that can survive on the floor or tabletop, in lack of water and light. This makes it perfect for newbies who are dwelling in any environment but willing to grow an indoor plant. It is quite known for its air-purifying quality as Snake plants can filter out harmful chemicals, like benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and toluene, so you can breathe easy having this in your home.


Snake plant is moderately toxic to people and pets. If they ingest the plant, they may suffer short-term symptoms like salivation, mouth pain, and nausea.



Sometimes referred to as the ‘cubicle plant,’ Pothos is one of the easiest house indoor plants to grow. That does not demand a lot of care and resource. To grow them, all you need to do is just pluck a stem and root them in water or in potting soil. It will bloom well even if water it infrequently. This is the best indoor plant that adds beauty to the interior of your home as they grow into a long vine that can be secured on hooks along walls and over window frames.


However, it is important for you to know that Pothos are pest free, but they can get plague bugs. Alongside this, every part of this plant is poisonous if consumed. Be alert if you have pets at home as the toxicity can cause irritation in the mouth, lips, and tongue.

Rubber Plant

The Rubber Plant is aka Ficus elastica or rubber tree plant is one of the common house plants that demand moderate attention. Rubber plants are tree-like plants that are known for their great height and waxy leaves. Like most of the other indoor plants on this list, the rubber plant requires bright, indirect light. They grow approximately six to ten feet tall if you give them proper care.

For the best growth of rubber plants, you should water the plant when the soil is dry and fertilize them during the growing season as it is common a characteristic of most of the indoor plants. Also, a rubber plant is one of the best air purifying house plants that every house must have for pure air within their home.


It is advisable to avoid placing them in your bedroom or dining area or kitchen, instead, place them near your sitting area to enjoy the fresh air as it removes carbon dioxide from your home. These plants can cause skin irritation for some people, so always wash your hand thoroughly after handling your plant.

Peace Lily

The biological name of Peace Lily is Spathiphyllum and it is considered to be an excellent indoor plant for home as well as office. If you have the experience to grow indoor plants, it’s time to add Peace Lily into your home decor. This plant requires more attention and care when compared to other house plants.

Watering this plant is quite easy as it will sag when it needs water. Moreover, Peace Lillies are perfect for spaces with low-light, partial shade, and moderate temperature. They prefer overwatering and are sensitive to chemical fertilizers.


All parts of the peace lily plant contain calcium oxalate—the substance that may cause respiratory and stomach irritation if ingested in large amounts. Apart from that, the flowers of Peace lily have pollen so it is not the best choice for those who have allergies.

Money Plant

Money Plant

Money Plant is aka Scindapsus aureus or Epipremnum aureum which brings good luck and prosperity. It is good in purifying air, absorbs radiation, and reduces stress in your house. This indoor plant needs pure water without any fertilizer. If you grow it in soil, make sure the soil is well-drained. You can water less but overwatering this plant can be damaging. Among various house plants for sale, the Money Plant is used as an indoor hanging plant, bottle plant, pot plant, or bowl plant.

The Money Plant is a common house plant. It is said that keeping this plant at home can help in attaining heights is both professional and personal life. It is also believed that it brings in positive vibes and improves relationships because of its heart-shaped leaves.

Also, keep a small money plant at your workplace as it will flourish you with good health and fortune. Last, but not the least, according to “Vastu” the Money Plant should be kept indoors in South-East direction (Living room or in the hall) to avoid mental illness.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera aka Aloe barbadensis miller is a juicy succulent plant that is generally grown in a sunny area. This house plant is highly preferred as it removes formaldehyde and purifies the air.

For centuries, the Aloe Vera plant is known for its beauty, medicinal as well as skincare properties. It cures hair dandruff, bleeding tooth, swollen gums, low blood pressure, constipation, and the list goes on. “Basically, it contains enzymes, antioxidants, Vitamins C and A, and other anti-bacterial properties.

Take away

These are some types of indoor plants that are easily available online or in your vicinity. Remember to buy other plant accessories too, such as plant stands, plant hooks, and hangers, wall hanging brackets, plastic drip tray, plant bowls, and more as per the requirement of the indoor plant you choose to grow. There are several indoor plant accessories also available online such as decorative shells, colorful pots, pebbles, etc. that would beautify the interior of your home.

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